Your search for * in shamanism has returned 100 entries


proper name a version of the proper name of Kezer deity


proper name respectful name of Kezer deity

Эжен чурту

noun phrase metaphorical name of the middle world (literally Ezhen’s country)


proper name titular name of the lord of the under worlds


noun huge many-headed serpent

ада дээр

noun phrase father sky (sky is father, earth is mother)

ада-ызыгуур салгаан белдир-суг уктуг хам

noun phrase noble shaman of water origin



noun devil

аза хей

noun phrase devil’s area (domain)


noun devils (in collective meaning)


noun devils (in collective meaning)


noun phrase divine moon (respectful name of the moon (literally - the moon-divine)


noun blessed energy (coming from the depictions of saints in buddhism and from reading prayers)

ак сүне

noun phrase white soul (meaning fair and kind soul)

алдыы оран

noun phrase lower level of the world


noun ritual of cleansing

арыг сөөктүг

noun phrase shaman (allegorical name, literally - having clean bones)

баха хам

noun phrase the definition of bad and weak shaman


noun phrase bull-shaman (name of a strong shaman)


noun allegorical name of the middle world, literally - branchy)

булан ой

noun phrase methaphorical name of a shaman’s drum (literally - grey elk)

бурган, бурганнар

noun god, gods


noun phrase divine miracle

бурхан-бөө / бурхан-хам

noun phrase lama-shaman


noun shaman (used by Mongol Tuvans)


noun the name for a shaman-ancestor (literally - my aunt)

далып каар

verb phrase get shaman’s illness (meaning become a shaman) (literally pass out)

деңгер дээр

noun phrase divine sky

дээрбек дүңгүр

noun phrase a round tambourine


noun shaman drum

дүңгүр кагар (согар, улдаар)

verb phrase beat the shaman’s drum

дөнен шилги

noun phrase methaphorical name of a shaman’s drum

калдар аастыг сарыглыг

noun phrase metaphorical name of a shaman’s drum

калчаа дүңгүр

noun phrase the characteristic of a tambourine (literally - furious tambourine)

кара тамы

noun phrase black (dark) hell

кара-шокар улу

noun phrase a kind of a dragon (literally dark motley dragon)

карак ажыдар

verbal phrase teach a young shaman (literally - open someone’s eyes)

караң көрнүр кижи

noun phrase allegorical name of a shaman (literally - a person who sees what other people can’t see)

караңгы өртемчей

noun phrase dark under world


noun curse

кижиниң кол сүнезини

noun phrase main soul of a human being

кудук чайаар

verbal phrase create good (blessing)

кут (куът), кут-чам

noun soul of a child


noun phrase collective designation of happiness and good


noun seven iron arrows fixed in the form of a beam on the shaman’s coat



[küzüŋgü, burgan, eeren] n. shaman’s accouterment, made of a flat polished brass disc with ribbons attached

мирит өртемчей

noun phrase world which has no time nor space

мыйыс бөөрт

noun phrase kind of a shaman hat (literally a hat with horns)


noun son, boy, shaman related to shaman-first ancestor

оран-делегей ээзи

noun phrase spitit-the lord of the universe

орук айтыр

verbal phrase teach a young shaman (literally - show the way)

оътчу хам

noun phrase shaman-herbalist, healer

салгал дамчаан дээрлерден уктуг хам

noun phrase hereditary shaman of sky origin


noun, adj dissmissive and degrading name for a shaman (literally - shagrag)


noun animal (cow or sheep) which was blessed to the livestock not to gods

соңгу дээр

noun phrase secondary sky

сыры чылан

noun phrase fire snake, dragon


noun adj variant of metaphorical name of a shaman ( literally believer)

сүнезин оруктары

noun phrase ways of soul to extract the curse out of a body practiced by shamans


noun bloodline (litreally bone)


noun ritual of healing heavily sick people with aim to decieve ill spirits haunting sick people

тонаныр, хевенир

verb put on (a shaman’s costum)

туң дег ак

noun phrase white as a shell (for description of white horses which are highly priced for the rituals)


noun phrase respectful designation for a dragon

хам авам

noun phrase designation of his/her mother-shaman by a shaman

хам акым

noun phrase designation of his/her brother-shaman by a shaman

хам даайым

noun phrase designation of his/her uncle-shaman by a shaman

хам кижи, хамнаар кижи

noun phrase shaman (literally (shaman-man)

хам оол

noun phrase young shaman (literally shaman boy)

хам шуваганчы

noun phrase old female shaman

ханы дөстуг биле уктуг

noun phrase blood related people who inherit the knowledge and experience of noble bloodline of shamans

хек чаяан

noun phrase name of a kind of shaman’s fetish

хой ээрени

noun phrase guard of sheep


noun a person who invites a shaman to conduct a ritual ceremony of smth smwhere (neologism)


noun name for one of shaman’s worlds

чагаа, чагаа-сагыызын

noun, noun phrase necked (carpal) amulet

чагар дээр

noun phrase name for a kind of shaman sky


noun diviner, fortuneteller on a shoulder blade

чатка, каргыш

noun curse

чаяакчы хам, чаяачы хам

noun phrase shaman-creator


noun variant of the name of shaman fetish


noun phrase collective name of the middle world

чер-суг ээлери

noun phrase spirits-masters of earth and water

четкер / шулбус үстүү

noun phrase the direction of thу evil spirits / devils (unfavorable geographical direction when calculating the element of the birth)


noun luck in hunting


noun doll figure symbolizing sign of illness

чырык өртемчей

noun phrase figurative name of the middle world (literally light world)

шамбыла ораны, шамбалаяң ораны

noun phrase variant for the name of a mystical country

ыдык мал

noun phrase blessed (sacred) animal (livestock)

элдик хап

noun phrase accessory of a shaman costume

эрлик оран(ы)

noun phrase (literally Erlik’s country) mystical country in the lower levels of the universe where Erlik-khaan is the lord

эрлик хей

noun phrase Erlik’s sphere

эрлик чер

noun phrase Erlik’s land

эртине тойлу күзүңгү

noun phrase precious mirror of toylu

эрээн чакпа

noun phrase figurative name of a ritual clothes


noun genitive spirit-the master of smth


noun pl plural noun of spirits-the masters of smth

ээрен ала

noun phrase figurative name of a ritual clothes


noun phrase upper sky


[örgül] n. sacrifice, ritual of feeding the master spirits of a place