About the Dictionary
This Tuvan dictionary is compiled by Gregory D. S. Anderson and K. David
Harrison in 1997-2006. The authors retain copyright of the dictionary and its
how to cite:
2006. Harrison, K. David and Gregory D.S Anderson. Tuvan Talking Dictionary. http://tuvan.talkingdictionary.org
We thank our many Tuvan language consultants for their expertise, shared knowledge and generous assistance. Voice recordings by Kheimer-ool Kuular. Translation assistance by Aleksandar (Sasha) Ondar.
Field research in Tuva in 1997-2004 was supported by grants from IREX (www.irex.org), the Wenner-Gren Foundation (www.wennergren.org) and VolkswagenStiftung (www.volkswagen-stiftung.de)

The soundfiles in this online version were expertly read by native speaker Mr. Kheimer-ool Kuular and recorded by K. David Harrison in 2006. (Thanks to A. Myldyk and Eric Raimy for technical assistance.)
Our Tuvan language and culture research has been additionally supported and hosted by the following institutions:
This dictionary is a work in progress, and is continually being updated.
We welcome all comments, corrections, and suggestions at talkingdictionary@swarthmore.edu.