Your search for * in religion has returned 100 entries

Ак дээр

noun phrase white sky (the origin of the strongest shamans)

Бурган Башкы

proper name supreme god

Дээр оруу

noun phrase Milky way (literally road of sky)

Дээр тии

noun phrase Milky way (literally top of sky)


proper name Little Yenisei River

Карангының оруу

noun phrase Milky way (literally road of darkness)

Кежээки шолбан

noun phrase Orion (literally evening Venus)

Курбун сога

noun phrase Orion

Курбусту ~ Хам-на Курбус ~ Азар

noun phrase name of the upper world - homeland of star shamans

Оттуг сылдыс

noun phrase Mars (literally fire star)


noun phrase Mount Suree - border between the worlds of life and dead

Тос дээр

noun phrase nine skys (in shamanism meaning nine worlds of the upper universe)

Хан Гэрди

proper name name of a fantastic bird


proper name name of the master of the under world

аза чери

noun phrase hell (literally land of devils)

азарлар ~ азар курбустулар ~ хоорлар

noun celestial bodies

ак аас-дыл / аас-дыл

noun phrase envy, slander (lterally white mouth-tongue)

алдын тын

noun phrase golden breath (balanced condition of an organism)


noun pay for shaman services


noun wandering lamas tradesmen


noun unit of measurement of number of cattle

бора сүнезин

noun phrase grey soul (which stays on earth and bothers life relatives)


noun phrase ritual of invocation for happiness

быжырган далган

noun phrase round bread

далып каар

verb phrase get shaman’s illness (meaning become a shaman) (literally pass out)

дириг сүнезин

noun phrase life soul


noun phrase middle soul (used by Southern Tuvans)


noun blessing, parting wishes/words, wishes

кажаар ээзи

noun phrase master of camp

кара аас-дыл

noun phrase fights (quarells), scolding, scandals (literally black mouth-tongue)

кара сүнезин

noun phrase black soul (which guards the grave of a dead person)


noun phrase black astronomy


noun big drum (used by lamas)

кол/чингин сүнезин

noun phrase main soul


noun mind, consciousness


noun phrase lama-astrologer

маанай, мааней

noun paper strips with mantras


noun "birthmarks" - according to Buddhism every person has a certain set of birthmarks of different colors and numbers depending on the birth date according to the Luna calendar


noun phrase bad soul (used by Southern Tuvans)

мөнгүн тын

noun phrase silver breath (good physical shape)


noun festivities for youth after harvesting (holiday)


verb phrase drive an arrow (shaman technique to look for lost thing)


noun grave (literally hole)

оран / өртемчей

noun universe

ортаа оран / ортаа өртмечей

noun phrase middle world / universe (that is Earth)

от кыпсар

verb phrase ritual of burning a sacral fire


noun local spirit-master

сарыг өртмечей

noun phrase middle world / universe (literally yellow universe / world)

саң салыр

verb phrase ritual of making sacred bonfire or incense burner in front of a grave (literally put the bonfire)


noun ritual of reading prayers and offering ’prayed’ vodka to the local spirit-master


noun liver pieces wrapped in interior fat

соодал / олут-соодал

noun phrase element (used at calculation to define the birthdate of a person by shamans)


noun burials of outstanding lamas

сулде ~ сур

noun spirit, life force

сүнезин оруктары

noun phrase ways of soul to extract the curse out of a body practiced by shamans

сөөк салыр улусу

noun phrase people who are engaged in transportation and burial (literally those who bury bones)


verb ritual of smoking near a grave so the dead one could smoke with the relatives for the last time

тайга дагыыры

verb phrase shaman ritual aiming the spirits of taiga

тайга ээзи

noun phrase master of taiga


noun hell


noun pl chiefs (referring to Soviet party top bosses)


noun mantra



[tos-karak] n. a ritual wooden implement used to sprinkle milk or tea as an offering to the spirits, in the shape of a square spoon with nine holes and a ribbon


noun phrase shaman of sky origin

уруг куът ~ уруг куду

noun phrase soul of a child (from newborn until 13 years of age)

хам хоор

noun phrase female shamans (collective meaning)


noun phrase shaman tree

хамнарның чижири

noun phrase shaman fight (literally shaman eating of each other)

хамның эдеринчилери

noun phrase shaman’s fellow travellers (referring collectively to all mythical-spiritual beings with whom a shaman may interact)

ханы дөстуг биле уктуг

noun phrase blood related people who inherit the knowledge and experience of noble bloodline of shamans


noun smoke hole

хей куъш ~ аза кужу

noun phrase devil’s bird - messenger of death


noun devil (used by Southern Tuvans)

хол актар

verb phrase to pay for shaman services (literally to whiten hands)

хола хараган

noun phrase white caragana (Siberian peashrub)


noun wake ritual (funeral repast)


noun small stones for fortune-telling (used by shamans)


noun pl young acolyte

хымыраан, чажыг, сержим

noun ritual of cleansing face and hands after the funerals


noun summer tent (in modern Tuvan - barn)


noun summer camp

чатка, каргыш

noun curse


noun phrase multiple spirits who give a shaman knowledge and visions

чер аксы

noun phrase cave (literally mouth of the earth)

чер бурт дээр

noun phrase ending of life (literally earth instantly disappears)


noun phrase master of the land


noun luck in hunting

чонар даш

noun phrase agalmatolite (stone used in Tuvan stone carving)


noun basics of buddhist astrology

чурт ээзи

noun phrase spirits of the camp

чыда, хылыш

noun wooden models of sables painted with soot

чыл эдилгези

verb phrase ritual of fixing the birthdate of a person

шамбал дываажаң ~ шамбал тываажан

noun phrase afterlife world for good people (Shambala)


noun stick


noun phrase mourning, grave sign

үстүү оран / дываажаң / тываажан

noun phrase upper universe / paradise

үш хонук

noun phrase wake (funeral repast) on the third day (literally three days)


noun phrase wooden spoon or trowel used to "feed" (coax) the spirits of dead people (literally three eyes)

өлүг сүнезин

noun phrase dead soul


[örgül] n. sacrifice, ritual of feeding the master spirits of a place