Your search for * in shamanism has returned 100 entries

Дээр дагыыры

verbal phrase worshiping to the Sky


noun phrase addressing the sky as god

Сартакпан (Сартыкпан)

proper name proper name of a surreal creature of the middle category

Эжен чурту

noun phrase metaphorical name of the middle world (literally Ezhen’s country)


noun huge many-headed serpent

ажай-буурул хам

noun phrase extended meaning of the first ancestor shaman

аза оран(ы)

noun phrase devil’s world, hell

аза хам

noun phrase devil shaman (the synonym of "black shaman")

аза хей

noun phrase devil’s area (domain)


noun allegorical name of Erlik, the lord of the under world (literally - The Devil Lord or The Devil Khan)

азар дээр (азар курбус)

noun phrase azar sky (the name of one of the levels of the "upper world" where "azarlar" live


noun mythical creature eating people


noun witch, surreal creature


verb get shaman’s illness (meaning become a shaman) (literally get possessed by devils)

алгыш кылыр

verbal phrase shaman rite (the ritual service by a shaman)

алдын тойлу күзүңгү

noun phrase shaman’s golden ritual mirror



noun young (youngster) (a name for shaman child and descendant)

арт ээзи

noun phrase spirits of mountain passes

бора кут

noun phrase grey soul (soul of a dead sinful person, which harms relatives of the dead person)


noun phrase bull-shaman (name of a strong shaman)

булан ой

noun phrase methaphorical name of a shaman’s drum (literally - grey elk)

бурган хам

noun phrase divine shaman

бурганнар ораны

noun phrase the world of gods, paradise

бурхан-бөө (см. бурган-хам)

noun phrase divine shaman (used by Mongol Tuvans)

буурул хам

noun phrase first ancestor shaman


noun phrase ritual of invocation for happiness

даг дүңгүр

noun phrase the ability of a shaman’s drum (literally - drum like a mountain)

даг дүңгүр

noun phrase the ability of a tambourine (literally - tambourine like a mountain)


noun cult rituals

дагылга кылыр

verbal phrase give honor

дайын дээр

noun phrase the name for one of the levels of the sky, the upper world (literally - war sky)


noun phrase version of the name of a shaman costume

доора салыр / каргыш салыр

verb phrase send curses


noun name for the descendant of the shaman (literally - younger brother, sister)


noun sky


noun evil spirit


noun shaman drum

ийи корнүр (көөр) кижи

noun phrase allegorical name for a shaman (literally - a man who sees both worlds)

кажаар ээзи

noun phrase master of camp

калдар аастыг сарыглыг

noun phrase metaphorical name of a shaman’s drum

кара дүңгүр

noun phrase black tambourine

кара туй

noun phrase paralysis


noun phrase black (dark) forces


adj poetical name of a shaman (with hapiness, with goodness or happy, good)


noun bells (shaman costume’s accessory)


noun phrase collective designation of happiness and good

куу (аза-куу)

noun devil (euphemism) (literally - grey, pale)

кызыл дериг

noun phrase red shaman costume


verb healing with a help of a shaman mirror kyuzyungyu

көк дээр

noun phrase blue sky


noun detail of a shaman hat


noun 1) accessory of a shaman’s costume - strips or wisps made of some fabrique or dressed skin. 2) shaman coat


noun name of a kind of surreal creature

оран дип (оран-дип)

noun phrase a version of the name of the middle world

оран ээзи

noun phrase spirit - the master of the location

оран-делегей ээзи

noun phrase spitit-the lord of the universe


noun phrase a version of the name of the middle world, where the Tuvans live

орук айтыр

verbal phrase teach a young shaman (literally - show the way)

осамбулаң (мирит) өртемчей

noun phrase the world of zambuulin(g) - the world which has no time nor space (zambuulin from the Buryat - the world, surrounding space)

от ээзи

noun phrase the master of fire

салгал дамчаан дээрлерден уктуг хам

noun phrase hereditary shaman of sky origin

сан салыр

verbal phrase lighting (kindling) of the juniper (the word "san" comes from the Tibetian word "purification"


noun feathers of birds as an accessory for a shaman’s hat


noun animal (cow or sheep) which was blessed to the livestock not to gods


noun adj variant of metaphorical name of a shaman ( literally believer)

сүнезин оруктары

noun phrase ways of soul to extract the curse out of a body practiced by shamans


noun bloodline (litreally bone)

тойлу сарыг күзүңгү

noun phrase yellow mirror of toilu

тын-дыртып алыр

verbal phrase take in the breath (during the ritual of interchange of sacred animals when the old one stands nose to nose to the young one)


noun allegorical name of a person (human being), who lives in the middle world

хам авам

noun phrase designation of his/her mother-shaman by a shaman

хам адам

noun phrase designation of his/her father-shaman by a shaman

хам ирем

noun phrase designation of his/her gradfather-shaman by a shaman

хам хоор

noun phrase female shamans (collective meaning)

хам шуваганчы

noun phrase old female shaman


noun phrase shaman tree

хамга чүдүүр кижи

noun phrase designation of a shamanist (literally a person who believes in shaman)

хамнарның чижири

noun phrase shaman fight (literally shaman eating of each other)

хараача хаар

verb phrase final stage of shaman ritual (literally closing of chimney (the hole on the top of the yurt))


noun poetical name of a shaman (literally - leader, the head)


noun wake ritual (funeral repast)


noun metaphorical appeal to azarlar (celestials of the upper world)


noun diviner, fortuneteller on a shoulder blade


noun phrase variant of collective naming of shaman fetishes

чаяанныг, чаяанныг кижи

noun phrase allegorical naming for a shaman (literally - a person with gift)


noun 1. fire, 2. surreal creatures

четкер / шулбус үстүү

noun phrase the direction of thу evil spirits / devils (unfavorable geographical direction when calculating the element of the birth)


verb to fight (literally eat each other)

чылан (чыланнар)

noun detail of a shaman clothes (literally snake, snakes)

чындак ээзи

noun phrase man responsible (during the blessing of ovaa)

чырык өртемчей

noun phrase figurative name of the middle world (literally light world)

чөвүрээ көвүрүг

noun phrase the bridge between this and other worlds (literally measles bridge)

шиник хеп

noun phrase figurative name of ritual clothes

ыдык салыры (мал ыдыктаары)

noun phrase blessing of livestock


noun idol in the form of a doll

эрлик чер

noun phrase Erlik’s land

эрээн чакпа

noun phrase figurative name of a ritual clothes

эткир дүңгүр

noun phrase determination of the abilities of a drum (literally sound drum)


verb get haunted by the spirit-master of smth or by evil spirits


noun pl plural noun of spirits-the masters of smth